Category Archives: Oblate Scene

The Season of Creation Focuses on Justice and Peace for All

Bishop Michael D. Pfeifer, OMI – The Season of Creation for 2023 focuses on fundamental virtue of justice for true peace for all life on planet Earth which Pope Francis calls our COMMON HOME. If we truly want peace, we … Continue reading

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Leadership Ministry

Brad Rozairo, OMI – Accepting any responsibility demands a big “yes” and if you are not prepared for the job, it can put you down when things do not go right. Many do not want to get involved in the leadership ministry because … Continue reading

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“Go to Galilee”

(excerpt taken from the homily of Pope Francis, Holy Saturday, 8 April 2023) At times, we may simply feel weary about our daily routine, tired of taking risks in a cold, hard world where only the clever and the strong … Continue reading

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Message of the Holy Father Francis for Lent 2023, 17.02.2023

Lenten Penance and the Synodal Journey Dear brothers and sisters! The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke all recount the episode of the Transfiguration of Jesus. There we see the Lord’s response to the failure of his disciples to understand … Continue reading

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Message of His Holiness Pope Francis XXXI World Day of the Sick – 11 February 2023

“Take care of him” Compassion as a synodal exercise of healing

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OMI Japan: Christmas in Kochi – Dec. 27 ~ 28, 2022

Brad Rozairo, OMI – As the year comes to an end, we, Oblates in Japan, came together in Kochi to celebrate our annual community Christmas.

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Oblate Toyohashi Mission ~ in the eyes of the Delegation Superior

Brad Rozairo, OMI – Among the five mission parishes that are being taken care of by the Oblates in Japan, Toyohashi – a peaceful riverside town in central Japan, is one of them.

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Ukraine: Missionary priests hoping to open healing centre in Kyiv

As the war in Ukraine grinds on toward its 9th month, Fr. Pavlo Vyshkovskyi, OMI, says people are increasingly traumatized and in need of both psychological and spiritual assistance.

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World Mission Day

Brad Rozairo, OMI – Every year on the third Sunday of October we celebrate World Mission Sunday. At mass that Sunday, as Catholics we recommit ourselves to our common vocation through Baptism to be missionaries through participation in the Eucharist, prayer and by … Continue reading

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From the Saharan desert to Rome: New OMI Superior General

“Poor people can teach us about hope and life. So, we must work with poor people, with lay people, with indigenous peoples, bringing new life to the Congregation. For me, this means bringing holiness to the Congregation, and the best … Continue reading

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Message of the Holy Father Francis for the Celebration of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

Dear brothers and sisters! “Listen to the voice of creation” is the theme and invitation of this year’s Season of Creation. The ecumenical phase begins on 1 September with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and … Continue reading

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Remembering Hiroshima

Brad Rozairo OMI — The “Ten Days for Peace” is the annual period of prayer held by the Church in Japan from August 6 to 15, to remember the victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This was established by the … Continue reading

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