Brad Rozairo, OMI – Covid-19 has made us turn to social media for some of our Delegation gatherings. So far using ZOOM software, we have had council meetings, a 90th birthday celebration for Fr. John Iwo, a prayer service on the occasion of 25 years of canonization of our Founder, and at the end of last month the online Delegation Christmas gathering with our Provincial Fr. Roshan Silva who is stationed in Sri Lanka.
Our thanks to the Oblate community in Koga for organizing a prayer service during the Christmas gathering online which was based on the life of St. Joseph, Pope Francis proclaimed the“Year of Saint Joseph” running from December 8, 2020 to December 8, 2021. After the prayer service, the members of the Delegation exchanged Christmas greetings with each other. We were happy to have our Provincial with us and share a few words. Towards the end of the one-hour gathering, the Delegation Superior made a few announcements and thanked the members for coming together. Below are a few pictures of our online gathering.
In the midst of this pandemic, we try to remain connected with each other and continue to remember all the people suffering throughout the world especially the victims of Covid-19.
Thank you,
Brad Rozairo
OMI Delegation (Japan/Korea) Christmas Gathering on ZOOM
December 28, 2020 – Monday 11.a.m.

Top down: Fr. Sobuj Simsang
Fr. Bradly Rozairo
Fr. Stephen Savarimuthu
Frs Kenichi Furukawa, Bernard Sanchez Ondap, William Maher
Fr. Ryu Hi Gu Anselmo

Frs Jun Ikeda, Antonysamy Irudayaraj, John Baptist Takaji Iwo
Provincial: Fr. Roshan Silva
Fr. Maurizio Giorgianni
Br. Nobuhiko Yagi
Fr. Vincenzo Bordo

top left to right:
Frs Sobuj Simsang, Bradly Rozairo, Stephen Savarimuthu, Bernard Sanchez Ondap
Frs Ryu Hi Gu Anselmo, Jun Ikeda, Roshan Silva, Maurizio Giorgianni
Br Nobuhiko Yagi, Frs Vincenzo Bordo, Jerome Novotny, Shitol Nokrek
Fr Hong Jangwon Peter

top left to right:
Frs (Jun Ikeda, Antonysamy Irudayaraj, John Baptist Takaji Iwo), Stephen Savarimuthu, Roshan Silva, Maurizio Giorgianni
Br Nobuhiko Yagi, Frs Ryu Hi Gu Anselmo, Vincenzo Bordo, Bradly Rozairo
Frs Sobuj Simsang, Jerome Novotny, Shitol Nokrek, Hong Jangwon Peter
Frs. Morio Inui, Jude Peirisulle, (Kenichi Furukawa, Bernard Sanchez Ondap, William Maher), non-attendants